주요 메뉴 영역

본문 영역

시청자 의회 매주 금요일 아침 6시 30분 방송
정확한 분석과 비평, 유익한 정보가 있는 <시청자의회>

매주 금요일 아침 6시 30분 https://tv.jtbc.co.kr/ombudsman


아는형님에 몬스타엑스를 완전체로 추천합니다!

D***** 2020-10-31 AM 4:10:14 조회 63 추천 1

 I'm writing to request that you invite Monsta X to your show. They're a very funny group of guys, charismatic with a lot of desire, they know how to liven up the atmosphere quickly and make everyone laugh.

You can review your participations in other programs to make sure of this.

Please considere this petition, Monbebe will be forever happy.

Have a good weekend!


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